Root Chakra One with Syl Carson
Syl is an Energy worker on a page I visit often she has some fun insight on the chakras that is worth praying about and thinking on. She plans to post info on ALL the Chakras. Please if you decide to connect her thoughts with yours on your page please remember to give her credit.
By Syl Carson
The idea of “Chakras”, came from the traditions of
yoga. Ancient-Eastern “seers” in the Indus Valley (present-day
Pakistan) perceived this philosophy in meditations about living so you
can become immortal. They saw seven lotus flowers and other
metaphor-archetypal-physiological wisdom. As that is the basis of both
energy-healing and LDS observance, I have a deep love for the Chakras
and how much they can help me on that path.In 2001 when my yoga students wanted to learn more about chakras, I was nervous about messing with anyone’s “mojo” in my stewardship as teacher within an LDS culture, so I went to the American Fork Temple to ask the Lord, if I had permission to teach about them. Anytime I attend the Temple, I always seem to get my answers in the dressing-room or chapel, before I even start my session, initiatory or sealings; go figure, but there you have it.
So, as I was sitting in the temple chapel, I opened the bible to a random page, just to see what the Lord would like me to know, as I began my session. The page was Revelation 1: 10-12, which said something to the effect of: I heard a sound as a trumpet and turned to see the voice who spoke and saw seven golden candlesticks. From the center “candlestick” (which cross-references to a scripture describing a “flower” or blossom to hold light) Christ stepped forward and said: “I am Alpha and Omega…Take what thou seest and teach it to the seven churches which are in Asia”. I figured that was a pretty good answer, so here we go:
The Chakras are both real and metaphor, both physical and spiritual. Chakras are also energy centers in your body, that for the most part, have been taught as seven separate compartments, which they are not. Your chakras are all interconnected. Chakras all work within, without, on behalf of, or against each other (depending on your level of awakening and how you are using the gifts of your agency, which varies from person to person at any given moment).
In the chakra matrix, there is a current called “Liberating” that moves energy up, clears blocks-limitations; this is the “works” part of life, where we have to show up; coming upward through your inner-light. There is also a downward-current called “Manifesting”; this is the Grace current (coming in through your outer-light-countenance-aura), where blessings flow Divinely down through you. The chakra story is about how we learn to work and allow these two currents to flow simultaneously. The better we get at this, the more holographic our life becomes. I use the word “holographic”, in relation to “Atonement”, meaning everything we heal or align is affected by everything else; ideally through the Atoning sacrifice of the Savior.
When BOTH currents can flow simultaneously, your chakras become one stream, activating something called our “Light-body” (one word). When the Light-body is activated, we are experiencing Eternal Progression for ourselves (along with an uplifting effect on those around us). In the chakra story, Eternal Progression doesn’t happen once you pass the test of this life, this life is a huge opportunity to increase your tolerance for Light. The ability to withstand more and more light and the importance of learning to do so can be found in D&C 88. The greater your light, the closer to God-Eternal-Source Presence you will naturally be by the time you are complete in your life here and move “on”. When folks talk about “shuffling off this mortal coil”, the “coil” they refer to is…wait for it…Your Chakras!
D&C 88:67 says: “And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things”.
So with that intro, here’s the base, beginning chakra: Root Chakra 1 located at the base of your spine, down through your legs and feet
On the first day of Creation, Heavenly Father (along with Christ and Archangel Michael) “Organized Matter”. The first Chakra is about just that. How well do you organize what matters most to you everyday in your physical world? Root chakra work is grounded in all things new-birth, dog-poop, diapers, diet, finances (money is just a current by the way, that’s why they call it “currency”), physical health, alone time, beginner’s mind, elementary work-labor, setting good boundaries that give you “rooted-support” (the meaning of the original name of the Root Chakra 1).
When you have a healthy “Root Chakra”, you are grounded in all the goodness of mortality an able to feel physically connected to principles of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. This earth element chakra, is the root or foundation of the all the other chakras, and physically situated at the base of your spine, legs and feet. It is considered the “sleeping place” of an awakening manifestation, we call “Mother Nature”. Your Root holds all your potential in the raw. The vibrational range of the red color spectrum, things move pretty slow at the Root. Issues that arise from your Root Chakra usually come-up for you to learn let go of your fears and embrace greater patience in the foundational circumstances of your life.
How is your Root Chakra 1: How often are you afraid of life’s risks, over-committed, physically tired, in financial lack or physical disarray-distruption, or manifesting the life you choose or are just perpetually dreaming of?
These are all indications that your Root Chakra 1 needs you to get back to basics. Taking some time to work with red, protein foods, diet-routine, household-budget and organizing the physical matters of your life all benefits this energy and how it manifests throughout all the areas of your physical life. See what it stirs up. How hard is it?
The physical manifestation in our lives is the result of either the work we are doing to Liberate ourselves, to “prove” worthy, as we work up the chakras or it is the FULL manifestation of our ability to feel that worth and allow the Grace of Christ’s Atoning Sacrifice to move down through us. The more authentic-honest we can be with what’s going on with our Root Chakra 1, the more capable we become to both move up though our Sacral Charka 2 undistorted and allow physical motivations, circumstances and blessing within the hologram of all chakras, to move down through it.
Keep in mind that we all (c-sections notwithstanding), are Divinely designed to Crown through our Mother’s Root chakra to begin this experience.
My motivation for posting is as follows: I am not asking you to enroll in any of the programs I offer. I am sharing these posts because I feel impressed to support both the testimony that Christ is at the center of not only the Chakras but of all healing and that He is the source for any information that I have compiled, which I am apparently supposed to teach. You can take it or not, but if you do, I would suggest you carefully pray about how it relates to you personally and get your own answers related to this topic. I’m sharing my posts out of love:
I do have one request specific to the physical world and the time I am investing:
In 2011, I was diagnosed with stage 3 “invasive” breast cancer (which Heavenly Father and I, with much prayer from friends and family have cleared). The “Invasive” part of that diagnosis was from this charka work, that had been plagiarized, due to multiple copyright infringements, by a woman I was affiliated with at the time. So I just ask that if you use or share the images-content from this seven-post discussion, that you link it to my work, so others can find and sustain what I do to support myself and my son, who is currently serving a mission in the Philippines. This is important to honor my body’s sensitivity to invasive energy (one of the things I am here to work on) and to hold the place for energy-workers to value and be valued for what we do. I hope his helps you as a visual metaphor-light therapy for understanding your Root Chakra 1 a bit better.
My peace and blessings to you as you work with your Root Chakra 1.
This is the link to Syl Carson's work below:
Copyright Syl Carson 2016 © All Rights Reserved
If you are interested in Syl's program includes 60-hours of in-depth study that teaches the four-pillars of chakra alignment and light-body activation, chakra specific yoga, light-color therapy videos, chakra gemstone therapy, aroma-therapy, along with a Chakra Deck and 300-page full-color Chakra Therapy reference manual for healers, that She has authored and illustrated over the past 17-years. She teaches internationally, information is put in general context for students of all religious and spiritual backgrounds.
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