So how do we harness and control and share our powerful sexual energy if we are celibate or not sexually active right now? Its easy we train our minds and body to live in a higher state. As we make good choices we feel a CHANGE in our hearts. As the sexual energy rises it goes up the cerebral spinal chakras and we feel that energy lift us higher. So we spend our day doing things that lift the body, and the mind, and the spirit. Good things raise our vibration of our bodies, sin and negative things lower our vibration. If you have done enough bad things you put off that "bad vibe" that others pick up on and if they are spiritually minded they really don't even like being around people who have that "bad vibe". Good people also put off a strong
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When we are balanced and filled with light we, like the people of King Benjamin, will have "No more disposition to do evil. " (Mosiah 5:2) Part of being balanced is filling our life with the good things of God. Let me list a few things that raise a persons vibration. Healthy eating, scripture study, service, smiling, temple work, PRAYER, exercise, playing with children, connecting with a new born baby, taking the sacrament and repenting, meditating, connecting with nature, being grateful.... There are so so many. But the ones that have the most lasting effects and that raise the vibration quickly and safely are Prayer- deep meditative conversation with the Father. Applying the atonement through repentance and taking the sacrament. Reading your scriptures in a way that you are learning and feeling the spirit. Going to the temple. All these are things we do with our minds and for our spirits, they raise the vibration far but to reach even farther in spiritual areas we need to master our bodies and quiet our minds. The fastest way to do this is by doing Kundalini Yoga and meditation in addition to those things listed above.
I am going to assume that you know all about how wonderful meaningful prayer, scripture study, keeping the Sabbath day holy and attending meetings, and temple work bring to your life, so I wont go deep there, but I want to talk about what Kundalini Yoga and meditation will do for you.
Kundalini Yoga (YK) strengthens the nervous system, and quiets the mind. It also balances the bodies energies. A kundalini rising is where the energy that is located at the base of the spine moves up the spine to the top of the crown. It is a way of coming unto Christ. We are moving our energies and our divine potential out of the base "natural man" energy of the 3 lower earthly chakras up to the upper triangle or what is also known as the spiritual chakras. This movement of energy helps us connect with God, Christ, and our divine purpose on this earth. We move from a fallen state of energy- or lower vibration to a higher state of energy- or a higher vibration. This is described as pure bliss. You really have no more disposition to do evil when you are in this state- its heavenly.
The body is the vehicle of the soul. We can do so much spiritual work but the body is an eternal blessing. If we do not treat it as such we will miss much of the purpose of this earth life. KY helps us train the body to put off the natural man and move forward and upward. KY also helps us quiet our minds so we can feel, and hear, and see the things of God. - So what does all this have to do with positive sexuality?
When our bodies are balanced, and our energy is flowing the way God wants it to, our desires change. Instead of seeing our bodies through Satan's lenses we begin to see them as the powerful beautiful creations and eternal blessings from God. Satan tells us we are ugly, fat, unattractive , that body parts
are dirty or nasty. He helps us hate our own eternal blessing of a body- and the bodies or body parts of our spouses.) This does not help healthy sexuality. If our sexual energies are too low (or our first and second chakras are not as big as they should be or spinning as they should) we have a low sex drive. We don't feel that God given need or desire to be intimate with our spouse. If our first and second chakras are too big and there is too much energy in them we can have an over active sex drive. This can be unhealthy and can lead to feelings of a need to release this extra energy. Many people turn to sex and feel there is still energy left to burn. Satan entices them to look at porn or engage in other unhealthy sexual activities to try and "balance" this extra energy and meet the extra need and pressure this energy puts on their system. This is not healthy and like all the temptations of the Deceiver it is a trap, leads to addictions, and a larger amount of energy that is not being spent doing what God would have us do.
Kundalini Yoga and meditation balance that energy. It sends energy where it needs to go and converts extra sexual energy into creative energy. It brings a low desire in to a normal range and high desires down to normal range. The system is balanced and a healthy sexual relationship can exist. This works for people who are not sexually active as well. The body, mind, and the spirit know that sexual activity must wait until after marriage and the energy will be sent up along the chakras for a balanced system.
Sat Kryia is the go to yoga kryia for balancing the lower triangle ( the first three chakras located at the perineum, in the pelvis and in the solar plexus). This moves the energies up and helps the chakras to get the right amount of energy and sends any extra energy up.
Below are two videos that show you how to do Sat Kryia. Below is a link where you can read the directions and the MANY other benefits of doing this kryia. LINK
So instead of telling our youth they need Stop looking at porn or Don't look at porn or Dont masturbate, or whatever!... Lets give them tools- something TO DO when the urge and temptation hit. Or give them tools to use daily to raise their vibration so there is no urge or temptation because they will have NO disposition to do evil.
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