Energy All matter in its smallest state is energy. EVERY THING is energy: light, sound, thoughts, physical objects, air, and water- it is all energy. It is also intelligence(s) or in other words it knows things. It knows how to behave as an electric current, or as a water molecule, or as a beam of light. Energy interacts with other energy and they effect each other, becoming more negative or positive depending on the conditions. People with a bad vibe harbor or emit negative energy. People who are beaming with the light of the Gospel harbor and emit positive energy. ALL things are Energy.
Head Covering A hat, cap, scarf, miter, or turban or anything that can be placed on the head to show reverence, royalty, and humility. Read more on that HERE.
Mediation A process of cleaning the mind.
Meditation Minutes The effectiveness of a mediation can depend on how long the mediation is practiced certain time lengths effect different parts of the body and thus some meditations are practices for specific lengths of time. See times HERE
Mudra Hand movement or position of the hands. Each position correlates and stimulates different parts of the brain just as reflexology does with your feet. Different mudras are used in mediation to stimulate different parts of the brain that we are working on with the mediation. Read more HERE
Sadhana means daily spiritual
practice. The translation in English is- path to God. One should Tune in,
and then a sadhana can be any combination of Kundalini Yoga, meditation(s), Prayer, and or scripture
study, and then tune out. The best time
to do your Sadhana is during the "ambrosial hours" or the 2 and 1/2 hrs before sunrise. IF you can’t get up that early then just do
it when you can.
See my post on Sadhana HERE or if you want more info the 3HO has some info on Sadhana HERE.
Sat Nam A greeting and parting word meaning Truth is my name or truth is my identity. Read more HERE.
Tuning In
A phrase chanted 3 times before meditating or beginning a KY (Kundalini ) Practice. The words are: Ong Na Mo Guru Dev Na Mo meaning I bow to, or honor, the divine teacher who is also with in me. Do it with me HERE
Tuning Out This is how we end our mediation and KY session. Its called the long time sunshine song and is meant to have us seek for truth and gods lingt and find it in ourselves and others. It is sung 3 times with different intentions set by your self such as 1st time for self, 2nd for family, 3rd for man kind. Learn how to HERE.
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