I share Yvonne Withers Russell post on here with her permission. I will add my thoughts and ideas on a different post called "The Armor Of God Meditation- time with Heavenly Mother." I just love her line of thought here. She is teaching in UT so if you live in the area check her out. http://www.energyhealingconference.com/classes.html and This liberatinglight.com is the website for her energy healing practice.
On Sunday in Gospel Doctrine we were discussing putting on the Armor of God. I started to realize that each piece of the armor of God protects certain chakras AND that the type of spiritual armor becomes MORE significant when you understand what each chakra influences in your life. I never quite understood the traits/qualities/principles used to protect each body part in this lesson until this past Sunday.
Loins girt about with truth.
*This piece of armor protects the base and sacral chakras. A balanced Base Chakra gives you a sense of security, stability and a feeling of a balanced existence. Truth protects our sense of security, stability and of feeling balanced. The sacral chakra is your pro-creative powers, your ability to co-create children and it also represents your posterity. Truth protects our posterity. When we can recognize the lies we have believed about ourselves and others and instead accept the truth into our lives, we shed the false traditions of our fathers and protect our children from false and limiting beliefs.
Breastplate of righteousness.

Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
*Carol Tuttle teaches in her Chakra 7 series that there is actually an 8th chakra that isn't directly on our physical body. It's purpose is to help us follow through or see our ideas to completion, manifest what we want, and to keep us grounded during meditation or other spiritual pursuits so we don't lose focus.
Preparation of gospel of peace
* This protects our foot chakra by helping us identify clearly the direction we should take in life so that can see our inspired ideas to completion, manifest what we want (a true Zion society fulfills not only needs but also wants), and help us develop the focus needed to meditate or pray.
Shield of faith.
*Roman soldier armor does not have a piece of armor that covers the throat. And so it is with the Shield of Faith that we need to protect our Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra is linked to our ears, and our ability to hear – both physically and intuitively. It is linked with understanding and being understood.
Our throat chakra is also a gateway or bridge between our psychological and spiritual selves. Our lower chakras represent our physical body (first chakra), emotional body (second chakra), mental body (third chakra), and relational self (heart chakra). Our third eye and crown chakra are linked to our intuitive, occult, and spiritual levels of being. Our throat chakra serves as the bridge between these two groups of chakras, just as our neck bridges our torso and head. When it is blocked we may feel as if we can not integrate spiritual experiences and insights into our daily awareness. For example, we may feel peaceful, calm, and wise within meditation or prayer, but not experience an increase in these feelings when we are off our meditation cushion or away from a house of worship. It is through exercising faith and sharing our testimony that we hope to be understood by those not of our similar religious beliefs. It is through faith that we gain understanding of all eternal truths. It is through exercising faith that we create spiritual experiences throughout our daily lives.
Helmet of salvation.
*The helmet protects the Brow/Third Eye chakra and the Crown chakra. The Brow/Third Eye chakra is responsible for our intuition, or our ability to listen and heed the still, small, voice. The Crown chakra is our conduit to Heavenly Father. By protecting these two chakras with "Salvation" or through the Atonement of Christ, we can ensure that we are our lines of communication to and from the Godhead does not become infiltrated or corrupted by Satan's counterfeits.
Sword of God’s Spirit and His word through revelation. This does not directly "protect" our individual chakras, but by the Spirit and His word through revelation, we are better able to support each other. An enemy that is charging at my neighbor on the battlefield can be stopped by the sword I wield as I rely on the Spirit and God's word through revelation.
Watch Carol Tuttle's Chakra 7 series mentioned above HERE
The Spirit of the Truth drew me to this site to and quenched my thirst. I have a gut feeling that the armor of God and charkras had a relationship. This is a great study with in-depth truths for spiritual growth. This reading is truthly a fruit from the tree of life itself... I'm going to read and study this again. #Peace #Love and #Light ✌����
ReplyDeleteI have been being awakened to this truth as well. Very excited to study and learn more.
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