Time is not the way we think it is. The seconds fly by and you cant get them back. There are days and years and even precious minuets in the future but we cant access them until they are in the present. That is the way we view time. But time is not as set or as linear as we would like to think. Sometimes God lets us step in to time and see it as he does. Always before His face is the time of man. He sees all the future, present, and past. God has promised us all that he has- this includes a eternal view of time. Christ understood this concept as well as many of the prophets. Lets take a look at a few scriptures shall we?
John 16 :33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.Notice that this is when Jesus is talking to his disciples in the upper room before the atonement. The atonement has not happened yet but he speaks as though it has been done already. Keep your eyes open there are several times when this is done in the scriptures. We find this kind of futuristic talk in the Book of Mormon as well.
2 Nephi 1: 5 But, said he, notwithstanding our afflictions, we have obtained a land of promise, a land which is choice above all other lands; a land which the Lord God hath covenanted with me should be a land for the inheritance of my seed.
Remember that at this point Lehi is still in the desert outside of Jerusalem. He is speaking as though he was already there. He recognizes that these blessings will/ have come to pass.
The Nephites also view Christs atonement in this manner. They look forward to it as if it had already happened. There is much we can learn from this attitude.
When we do energy work (Energy Healing) God permits us to do wonderful things with time. We can go back and fix some things, we can reach into the future for healing and understanding, we can pause the present situations and pray for more guidance before we continue. Using these time manipulates has changed the way I pray.
Instead of only being grateful for things God has already blessed me with in my past I can thank him for blessings that are coming for knowledge that is on its way, and like Lehi when I word it in the past tense is shows faith. So I try to be thankful for the help that will come and speaking of it in the past tense. Since this isnt the way we usually do this lets have an example. We would normally say something like this.
Please Father in Heaven, Help me:
Find my keys
feel the spirit
feel better or get better soon
Lets apply the lesson from Lehi and change our pleas to expressions of Gratitude for blessings not yet realized in the present.
Thank you Father in Heaven For helping me find my keys in a timely manner and knowing where to look for them.
Great God of Heaven, Thank you! Thank you, for the measure of the spirit I feel and will continue to feel in my life. And for helping me to know the changes I have made and will make that help me feel the Holy Spirit strongly in my life.
Divine and Master Healer, Thank you for healing me and helping me to over come my sickness. Thank you Father for my wonderful body that is capable of healing, growing, and creating.
It is good to ask for the things we need and we are encouraged to do so. But I have also felt power in thanking Heavenly Father for blessings that have not come to pass but talking about them as if they had.
Time is not linear anyway so in a way God already HAS blessed us with those blessings and one can never say thank you too early.