Many of us have set Goals before -New Years Resolutions- though most of us are not very resolute in those resolutions. When we think of Goals we think of something you are trying to do or achieve
Or we might think of a motion that needs to happen or a space. Sports illustrate that well. Think of an area or object into which a ball or object must be thrown, hit, kicked, etc., into in order to score points. To me Goals are focused they are contained. I think of a Soccer Goal its a designated boundary or space, it is resolute it doesn't move, and it is the same for every game. There are specific steps that are required to achieve that "goal" in sports those are called "the basics" or fundamentals. So lets think beyond goals for a minute and discuss the difference between goals and intentions. Intentions unlike most goals are broad, all encompassing, and can be achieved in any number of ways with many different outcomes. Intentions are more relatable to art or music than sports.

Why we need an intention when we meditate?
Because you get what you project. This works for goals too... in sports they say "visualize the ball going in the net". Intention adds power to your meditation. You have added reason, motivation, and incentive to your meditation. Well that is all well and good but WHY? Why should I do this? So I will answer that question with a new one. Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect? Edward Lorenz who was a mathematician and meteorologist is accredited with the theory of the butterfly effect. So in his theory a butterfly flapping his wings in ( pick any place ) lets say Beijing changes the weather in Kansas. Or as Wikipedia puts it
So the small act of setting an intention can manifest great differences in the future, In many different parts of your life. So set a broad intention something Macro. Here are a few examples:in chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependency on initial conditions in which a small change at one place in a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state
- I want to have and exercise more faith
- I want to recognize and live up to my divine potential (A side note: I did that one for my very first intention- wow- it was wonderful !!!)
- I want to see the world/people with my spiritual eyes or how God sees
- I want to act with more charity...
These are all broad statements that can be realized any number of ways and can be manifested in all parts of your life.
When Should I Set my Intentions?
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I love how sprouting seeds look like a brain. |
How often should I Change it?
Its good to keep an intention for at least 40 days. Give it time to stick its OK to tweak it a bit but keep the basic concept the same long enough to feel its influence strongly. A great way to do this is pray. Ask God to help you find something to focus on. God has Great Intentions for you and they are all over the scriptures. Ask God to help you find one that would be best and then stick with it until you feel prompted to change. This could be a long time so review it now and again.
How often to I need to review my intention?
Just set your intention and then think about it when you think about it. That is the power of the subconscious you don't have to think about it every min of the meditation you can set it at the start and then not think of it for weeks but it will still influence your meditation and out comes of it. But a honest review of it on the new moon, or full moon, or every 3rd Tuesday, or whatever works for you would be good too. The point being you don't need to have it at the front of your brain for every meditation and during every moment of the day. Writing it down in a journal and writing down ways you have seen it come to pass is a great way to review.
Can I set MORE than ONE intention?
Yes! Its good to have an Overall intention - lets say that its to recognize and use the atonement more in my life. But a few weeks into meditating with this intention and I have a family member who is sick. I can set a underlying intention of sending light, love, and healing to this family member as I meditate. Both intentions are in effect but I will drop my intention on helping Jethro or Skippy or whomever once he is better. Oh, and don't over do it. You Can set Too many intentions. Keep them Small and few.
OK now that you have done all that I will caution you against setting intentions and then planing out results or how this intention will come about or be displayed. If you place limitations or plan a road map for your intentions than that is most likely what will happen and you will miss out on filling your life with blessings of this intention in every angle of your life. Think of it this way. Say your intention is to fill your life to the brim with good things. So lets make your life a cup a great big tall
cup. After setting this intention you decide the best way to fill your life or cup up is with a steady stream of scripture study. So you turn on the tap and read your heart out and study until you are full to the brim with the good things of the gospel that are contained in the scriptures. There! Intention was met! Hurrah, my cup is full and all is good!!! -True- your cup is full- True you are full of good things- True you met your intention.
Now lets do this differently. Lets take the same intention Of filling your life with good things and the same cup and lets let God fill it. He takes your cup/life and rolls you down to Antarctica. What!? That wasn't part of the plan- its OKAY because we have no plans, we let God fill our intentions. Then he takes our cup and plunges it into the ice cold waters. These waters are pure and filled with more than just scripture study. They are complete they have service opportunities, temple work, self love, repentance, faith, love, charity, new ways to understand the magnitude and importance of the atonement, and much MUCH more. These pure,cold, clear waters don't just stream in the bottom of my cup, like it does from the tap, They flow over the rim of every side of our cup, they run down the edge of the glass and come crashing at the bottom of the cup they continue to mix and connect as they rise in our cup , enveloping and filling the cup with goodness, clean pure goodness from every angle of our lives. When we are done we are full just like we were when we filled our cup up to the brim with the tap, but we are filled more completely. Every aspect of our life that could be touched and reached is influenced. So don't map out your intentions let God "fulfill" your intentions and make note when he does.
The Intention Experiment
5 Steps to Setting Powerful Intentions
Set the Tone for Your Meditations with an Intention
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