73 Behold, I will hasten my work in its time.
74 And I give unto you, who are the first laborers in this last kingdom, a commandment that you assemble yourselves together, and organize yourselves, and prepare yourselves, and sanctify yourselves; yea, purify your hearts, and cleanse your hands and your feet before me, that I may make you clean;
75 That I may testify unto your Father, and your God, and my God, that you are clean from the blood of this wicked generation; that I may fulfil this promise, this great and last promise, which I have made unto you, when I will.
Lets read more about what the Guide to the Scriptures say about blood before we move on to new things shall we.
Regarded by the ancient Israelites and many cultures today as the seat of life or vital energy of all flesh. The Guide to the ScripturesThere is that word again ENERGY. Keep it in mind as you keep reading. There is a Venezuelan Proverb that states: Blood is inherited and virtue is acquired. I think there is a lot of truth to that. Im not just talking about your DNA part of your blood but ALL things you have inherited from your ancestors so their ENERGY. Lets read Truman G. Madsen's talk on this.
"And, therefore, as you look back at your seventy or so forebears... you might recognize that you have inherited the blood of many generations. And blood may not be a correct word scientifically, but in the scriptures it stands for seed, which means heredity, the inheritance of tendencies, and all of us have them. You have the blood of this generation, from which we must become clean - 'clean from the blood of this generation' (D&C 88:85). If you do, you will be clean from the blood of every generation, because it is compounded and accumulated into now- and that includes the blood of some degeneration.So all that is so cool but what do we do about it HOW do we do the 'dirty work' and clean out our blood?So perhaps you do have problems that you can blame on your ancestors, and if you forgive that and choose to stand close to the Lord in the process of purifying your life, that will affect your whole family in both directions. You are not alone. There is no way you can gain solitary and neutral ground. You are in it - you are involved. And this, I believe, is one of the profound meanings of the tame and wild olive trees. If you take a wild branch and graft it in to a tame one, if the branch is strong enough it will eventually corrupt and spoil the tree all the way to the roots. But if you take a tame branch and graft it in to a wild tree, in due time, if that branch is strong enough, it will heal and regenerate to the very roots. You will have then been an instrument in the sanctification even of your forebears.
...To be that kind of branch and achieve that kind of transformation backward and forward is perhaps the greatest achievement of this world. But to do it one must be great, one must be linked, bound to the Lord Jesus Christ. One must be mighty. One must be something of a savior. And that is exactly what the Prophet Joseph Smith said we are: 'saviors on Mount Zion.' (Truman G. Madsen, "The Temple: Where Heaven Meets Earth," p 84)
Meditation and Energy work my friends are the answer. If you haven't taken a min to watch this video about your blood then take a look and this will start to make more sense.
So meditation cleans the mind from subconscious garbage. By so doing we are also cleaning our blood from negative energy and helps raise our vibration to be closer to God. Also remember every thing is Energy. That means our blood and the "Stuff" in it. We can also clear and clean our bodies from negative energy by using the Emotion Code and other techniques similar to it. This is done by connecting to God and asking him to help you find impurities or negative energy in your body. Once these trapped emotions/the negative Energy is located we can ask God to help us remove it. For more on that read Dr Nelsons book The Emotion Code. You can read it on line here. He specifically talks about many times we have inherited negative emotions from our ancestors. These negative emotions taint our blood and we are not clean. We can remove these negative energies only by and through the atonement. With out the atonement we could not be free.
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