enough and all though I would have had no problems doing this I felt like with her personality she would not feel comforted but more uncomfortable because we were not close at all. I did everything I could for her ... gave her a long hug at church, placed her name on the temple prayer roll, prayed for her night and day. My thoughts were always with her. After asking God how I could best help her and bear her burden and make it light and mourn with her in a meaningful, way the way we covenanted to to when we are baptized. (see Mosiah 18: 8-9) He taught me about connections.
Here is a bit of background on connections. When you are doing Energy Work for someone you are connected. In fact you can with permission of the other person assume that persons energy for a while to help you do you work and muscle test in their behalf.
Because I knew a little bit about energetic connections God was able to teach me about certain connections that we can pray for. Here are my notes from that night
Energy Work Connection
This is a connection established with God or Christ as the center link in the connection. I am connected to Christ and then Christ is connected to the person I want to heal. All healing and questions are transmitted through the center link. I know this is not the way every one does it, but it is the way I prefer to do it. I know that God and Christ know the answers I need even better than the patients subconscious does so I ask for God or Christ to be the connecting link when I work with others.
This connection should be severed or broken when done.
The Comforting Connection
This is different than your typical healing energy connection in that it is not a two way connection. When you pray and ask Heavenly Father to give you a comforting connection to a person, you are connected to them, but they are not connected to you. This connection is temporary and only sends your comfort and love and allows you to mourn with those who mourn and comfort them. The connection breaks at night when the giver is asleep and therefore must be prayed for every day that you want to send love and comfort. You can also send out this connection to more than one person at a time. I will interject a little caution here though. This does pull from your energy so if you try to connect to too many people you will feel drained. So be prayerful and follow the spirit when you make this connection.
I made this connection with this sister every day for weeks. Some days I could feel the comfort and love just being sucked out of me. Her FaceBook posts at the end of those days were full of discouragement and sadness with a little note at the end that she could feel comfort from the Lord.
A few days after being told about the comforting connection I read farther in the Emotion Code and read this.
"On one occasion, I had been using the Emotion Code to help a woman who lived in Cleveland. Her sister had been a patient of mine for some time at my clinic in California, and would act as proxy for her sister on occasion.
I once made the mistake of not breaking the connection between the two of them at the end of a session. The next day my patient came back to the office and said, “Something is wrong. I feel like I’m turning into my sister. I’m feeling her emotions, I think. It’s weird. Could I still be connected to her?” I immediately realized my mistake, broke the connection, and she felt like herself again. When you are finished, thank the person who has acted as proxy. To break the connection, simply have the proxy state their own name and muscle test them until they test strong. "pg 311
This really got me thinking about taking on energy of others and emotions and attitudes of others. I noticed when I meditate I feel like Im connecting with God or some days my savior, and I feel full of love and light, and I am a better person. But the feelings only seem to last during meditation and they fizzle as the day goes on.
I had pondered on the things I had read and the things I knew and meditated on it. I then had this great idea. I wanted to be connected to Christ. An Open connection that was not severed. I wanted to feel what he would feel for others, I wanted to see others the way he would. I prayed about this desire of my heart and got an answer called the Christ Consciousness.
Christ Consciousness

I then asked Heavenly Father if there were more connections out there. The answer was yes and I learned about three more that I would like to share.
The Testimony Connection
I have a loved one who is no longer living the gospel. He has distanced himself pretty far from the church and its teachings. Sometimes I want to take him by the shoulders and shake him and say with all the love in my heart for him "You KNOW the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, please come back." But that is not going to be effective. Like Alma the Elder(Alma 27:14) I spent years praying for him to remember the testimony that once burned inside him and be brought to the knowledge of the truth. I know that I am stirred inside by others when they bear powerful testimony when guided by the spirit. I also know, when guided by the spirit, my testimony has changed others and strengthened their testimony as well. This is what God told me to pray for. A Testimony Connection. You ask God to make this connection to a specific person. This sends the person the light and energy of your testimony. I like to think of it in my mind as me standing there sharing my testimony with him all day long :) Over time this helps them remember their own testimony , and can strengthen it. Again this is a temporary connection and will be lost once the sender falls asleep and needs to be asked for every time you want to send it.
The LOVE Connection
This one was interesting here are my notes. The Love connection communicates love for that person. Mothers have a love connection with their children that does not need to be established each day. It is permanent from conception. This connection is a gift from God to all mothers. Even though fathers do not have a permanent love connection to their children they do have a permanent ( as in it does not need to be asked for each day) connection to the mother of their children. Wifes must ask for a connection to their husbands and Fathers must ask for a connection to their children. A childs love for both parents is a permanent connection. This is not to say that fathers love their children any less than mothers do, or that wives love their husbands less than husbands love their wives.
Scripture Connection

There are many more connections out there that we can pray for and obtain. I would love to hear of any that you know of.