Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Time is not the way we think it is. The seconds fly by and you cant get them back. There are days and years and even precious minuets in the future but  we cant access them until they are in the present.  That is the way we view time. But time is not as set or as linear as we would like to think. Sometimes God lets us step in to time and see it as he does. Always before His face is the time of man. He sees all the future, present, and past. God has promised us all that he has- this includes a eternal view of time.  Christ understood this concept as well as many of the prophets.  Lets  take a look at a few scriptures shall we?

John 16 :33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Notice that this is when Jesus is talking to his disciples in the upper room before the atonement.  The atonement has not happened yet but he speaks as though it has been done already.  Keep your eyes open there are several times when this is done in the scriptures.  We find this kind of  futuristic talk in the Book of Mormon as well.
2 Nephi 1: But, said he, notwithstanding our afflictions, we have obtained a land of promise, a land which is choice above all other lands; a land which the Lord God hath covenanted with me should be a land for the inheritance of my seed.

 Remember that at this point Lehi is still in the desert outside of Jerusalem.  He is speaking as though he was already there. He recognizes that  these blessings  will/ have come to pass.
The Nephites also  view Christs atonement in this manner. They look forward to it as if it had already happened.  There is much we can learn from this attitude.

When we do energy work (Energy Healing) God permits us to do wonderful things with time. We can go back and fix some things, we can  reach into the future for healing and understanding, we can pause the present situations and pray for more guidance before we continue.  Using these time manipulates has changed the way I pray.
Instead of only being grateful for things God has already blessed me with in my past I can thank him for blessings  that are coming for knowledge that is on its way, and like Lehi when I word it in the past tense is shows faith.  So I try to be thankful for the help that will come and speaking of it in the past tense. Since this isnt the way we usually do this lets have an example. We would normally say something like this.
Please Father in Heaven, Help me:
Find my keys
feel the spirit
feel better or get better soon

Lets apply the lesson from Lehi and  change our pleas to expressions of Gratitude  for blessings not yet realized in the present.
Thank you Father in Heaven For helping me find my keys in a timely manner and knowing where to look for them.
Great God of Heaven, Thank you! Thank you, for the measure of the spirit I feel and will continue to feel in my life. And for helping me to know the changes I have made and will make that help me feel the Holy Spirit strongly in my life.
Divine and Master Healer, Thank you for healing me and helping me to over come my sickness. Thank you Father for my wonderful body that is capable of healing, growing, and creating.

It is good to ask for the things we need and we are encouraged to do so. But I have also  felt power in thanking Heavenly Father for blessings that have not come to pass but talking about them as if they had.
Time is not linear anyway so in a way God already HAS blessed us with those blessings  and one can never say thank you too early. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Are you my Conscious?

Have you ever had the problem where your head and your heart dont agree?  When that happens which do you listen to? Who is right? Is  it better to judge things with the  heart and feeling or with the mind an logic?
Those are all great questions and the answer for you might be different depending on the situation. But read this  quote by  Tony De Mello and see what you think.

"People mistakenly assume that their thinking is done by their head; it is actually done by the heart, which first dictates the conclusion, then commands the head to provide the reasoning that will defend it."

If you have meditated for a while or done any amount of energy work this doesn't surprise you much because you know where your consciousnesses lives.  If you dont know, I mean really KNOW where your consciousness lives  take a min and find it.
Take three slow deep breaths.
Sit in  a royal stature (situp strait with shoulders back and  neck long,  you can smile if you want.)
Continue to breathe in and out slowly and deeply and ask yourself.  Where is my consciousness? Where does it live in my body? If you are good at "seeing things"  your consciousnesses looks like a small ball of light.  If you are like most people you will find that  this ball of energy, this light, your conscious does not live in the area of your head but at your heart.

 Side note....I love the part of Finding Nemo when they are in the dark abyss and Dorie asks Marlin  "Are you my Conscious?"

 As you read the scriptures pay attention to references of the heart... there are a TON of them.
Here are a few
  1 Kgs. 3:9-12 The Lord appears to Solomon and promises him a wise and an understanding heart

Proverbs 3:5  ¶Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

So if you are listening with your heart and understanding with your heart  you are paying attention to your conscious. We dont lean unto our own understanding (the mind) but we do what our heart guides us to do.
This is really important when it comes to listening to the spirit. Because the spirit also lives in our hearts.  Check out   D&C8:Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart. 
This is great as long as we are doing our best to  listen to the spirit and be close to God. However the Holy Ghost is not the only thing that likes to dwell in the hearts of men.  We read  in Mosiah 3 :6 "And he shall cast out devils, or the evil spirits which dwell in the hearts of the children of men."
The devil knows that if he can block our hearts, put up walls around them, (Read about Heart Walls Here) fill them full of fear or possess them all together that our hearts will not work as they should.  The heart and its right to communicate the  promptings of the Holy spirit that dwells there in will fail in its responsibility if Satin and his devils are dwelling  there.  This gives new light to the scritpure found in   D&C 45:26  26 And in that day shall be heard of wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall fail them, and they shall say that Christ delayeth his coming until the end of the earth.

In conclusion. Listen to your conscious so that the Holy Ghost which dwells there can  speak to your heart and mind. Keep your heart pure and free from the evil that seeks to inhabit  it. Our hearts will fail in their purpose if we dont make them pureand a place where the Spirit can  dwell in us.

Ways to do just that
Cast out Devils Demons  heart walls and other things that block the spirit
Be humble and keep your heart soft
Regular practice of Meditation
Yoga for the  4th chakra 
Fasting with intent
Reading the scriptures
Act on promptings even when they dont make sense to your head.
Do anything that helps the Holy Ghost burn in your heart regularly.

Ra Ma Da Sa - and the woman with the issue of blood

Ra Ma Da Sa
Siri Gaitri Mantra, also called the healing mantra or, Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung  is the  is the mantra for the sacred healing meditation first taught in the Summer of 1973.

Here is what the 3HO website has on it. 
 It was also practiced at every White Tantric Yoga® Course for the Mahan Tantric, Yogi Bhajan.This healing meditation is used to pray for healing energy for our friends, family, and ourselves.
Kundalini Yoga practitioners have been using this meditation for the last four decades and I encourage you to try it when you want to send healing energy to a loved one or even to yourself.

Practicing the mudra and the mantra properly will optimize the energy flow and will make this meditation all the more potent.
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose (sitting on the floor, with legs crossed) or in a chair with feet planted firmly on the ground, with the spine straight, and a light Neck Lock applied (chin pulled back slightly).
Mudra:  see my notes for other mudras. The mudra (hand position) is most important. The elbows are bent down by the sides, and are tucked comfortably but firmly against the ribs. The forearms are almost perpendicular to the floor, with the hands extended out at a 45 degree angle from the center of the body. Most importantly, the palms are perfectly flat, facing up, hands bent back at the wrists. You should feel a pull in the lowest part of your forearm as you almost hyper-extend your wrist to make the palms flat. (This tends to be the most challenging part of the meditation so it is important not to let the hands relax out of the position.) The fingers are kept side by side, except that the thumb is spread from the other four fingers.
Eyes: Eyes are closed.
Mantra: This mantra consists of 8 basic sounds:
Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung

This mantra taps into the energies of the sun, moon, earth, and the Infinite Spirit to bring deep healing. It is important to pull the navel point powerfully on the word Hung. Note that the word Hung is not long and drawn out. Rather, it is clipped off forcefully as you pull in the navel. Chant one complete cycle of the entire mantra with each breath. Then deeply inhale and repeat. Remember to move the mouth precisely with each sound. Try to feel the resonance in the mouth and in the sinus area.
Mental Focus: You can choose to mentally visualize the person or persons that you are wanting to heal, as you send this energy to them for their well­-being.
Time: Continue chanting for 11 to 31 minutes.
To End: To end the meditation, inhale deeply and hold the breath, as you offer a healing prayer. Visualize the person you wish to heal as being totally healthy, radiant, and strong. See the person completely engulfed in a healing white light and completely healed. Then exhale and inhale deeply again, hold the breath, and offer the same prayer again. Exhale, inhale, and hold, repeat the prayer, and exhale.
To complete, inhale deeply, stretch your arms up high, and vigorously shake out your hands and fingers for several seconds. Keep the arms up and hands shaking as you exhale. Repeat two more times and relax.
© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 1

Ra means the sun and connecting with that frequency gives you energy.
Ma means the moon and it aligns you with receptivity.
Da is the the energy of the Earth, grounding you in your roots.
Sa is Infinity and as you chant this, your energy rises upwards and outwards drawing in the healing the the Universe.
When you chant Sa a second time, you pull the energy of Infinity into you.
Say is a way of honoring the all-encompassing Thou.  It is personal, like a loving name for God.
So is a vibration of merger.
Hung is the Infinite, the vibrating real.  It is the essence of creation.  (So Hung together means, I am Thou.)2

D&C 88:7-13 Is a cool comparison to this mantra.
This is the light of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made. As also he is in the moon, and is the light of the moon, and the power thereof by which it was made; As also the light of the stars, and the power thereof by which they were made; And the earth also, and the power thereof, even the earth upon which you stand. And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings; Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space—The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God.
There is more than one mudra for this meditation.  You can do it as outlined above, If you have several people  there you can sit in a circle and place the person to be healed in the middle of the circle either mentally or physically they can sit or lay in the circle and  reap the benefits of the meditation.  Or you can do it this way. 
 Sit in easy pose.  The right arm is bent at the elbow the hand is up by your shoulder with the palm forward  with fingers and thumb close together. Put your left hand on your navel point.
Here is my teacher  isn't she lovely?
This is the starting position.  Start here at RA and the slowly in time with the mantra move your arm until it is strait and your fingers, and palm, and arm are level with the floor.

 When you say HUNG   the wrist bends  leveling out your arm in to one strait line  and is the last part of this motion. After Hung bring the arm back to the starting position as you inhale. 3

I did a 40 day Ra Ma Da Sa  with the intention of healing my daughters heart problems.  I also  tried to  heal myseIf. Usually envision things I dont want in my life or things I'm trying to get rid of, ailments, attitudes, thoughts, habits and so on. One day instead of envisioning pushing these things away with my hand, instead I pictured Christ as he suffered in Gethsemane and instead of pushing out all these bad unwanted things with my hand I reached out to him. Like the woman with the issue of blood (Luke 8:43-48) I reached out to touch him and to have him heal me. I cried through most of the 11 min mediation. Much more powerful for me to reach out for his blessings and healing that come through the power of the atonement than it was to be trying to shove all my problems and inadequacy and ailments out of my life.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The armor of GOD

Here is a guest post

I share Yvonne Withers Russell post on  here with her permission. I will add my thoughts and ideas on a different post called "The Armor Of God Meditation- time with Heavenly Mother."   I just love her line of thought here. She is teaching in UT  so if you live in the area check her out. http://www.energyhealingconference.com/classes.html  and This liberatinglight.com is the website for her energy healing  practice.

On Sunday in Gospel Doctrine we were discussing putting on the Armor of God. I started to realize that each piece of the armor of God protects certain chakras AND that the type of spiritual armor becomes MORE significant when you understand what each chakra influences in your life. I never quite understood the traits/qualities/principles used to protect each body part in this lesson until this past Sunday.
Loins girt about with truth.
*This piece of armor protects the base and sacral chakras. A balanced Base Chakra gives you a sense of security, stability and a feeling of a balanced existence. Truth protects our sense of security, stability and of feeling balanced. The sacral chakra is your pro-creative powers, your ability to co-create children and it also represents your posterity. Truth protects our posterity. When we can recognize the lies we have believed about ourselves and others and instead accept the truth into our lives, we shed the false traditions of our fathers and protect our children from false and limiting beliefs.
Breastplate of righteousness.
 * This piece of armor protects the Solar Plexus (personal power) and the Heart chakras. When we protect our Solar Plexus chakra with righteousness, we do not exercise unrighteous dominion or control over other people. When we protect our Heart chakra with righteousness we increase our ability to have unconditional love for others. Doctrine & Covenants 121: 34-46 comes to mind and a re-reading of those scriptures with an understanding of these two chakras is really insightful.
Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
 *Carol Tuttle teaches in her Chakra 7 series that there is actually an 8th chakra that isn't directly on our physical body. It's purpose is to help us follow through or see our ideas to completion, manifest what we want, and to keep us grounded during meditation or other spiritual pursuits so we don't lose focus.
Preparation of gospel of peace
* This protects our foot chakra by helping us identify clearly the direction we should take in life so that can see our inspired ideas to completion, manifest what we want (a true Zion society fulfills not only needs but also wants), and help us develop the focus needed to meditate or pray.
Shield of faith.
 *Roman soldier armor does not have a piece of armor that covers the throat. And so it is with the Shield of Faith that we need to protect our Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra is linked to our ears, and our ability to hear – both physically and intuitively. It is linked with understanding and being understood.
Our throat chakra is also a gateway or bridge between our psychological and spiritual selves. Our lower chakras represent our physical body (first chakra), emotional body (second chakra), mental body (third chakra), and relational self (heart chakra). Our third eye and crown chakra are linked to our intuitive, occult, and spiritual levels of being. Our throat chakra serves as the bridge between these two groups of chakras, just as our neck bridges our torso and head. When it is blocked we may feel as if we can not integrate spiritual experiences and insights into our daily awareness. For example, we may feel peaceful, calm, and wise within meditation or prayer, but not experience an increase in these feelings when we are off our meditation cushion or away from a house of worship. It is through exercising faith and sharing our testimony that we hope to be understood by those not of our similar religious beliefs. It is through faith that we gain understanding of all eternal truths. It is through exercising faith that we create spiritual experiences throughout our daily lives.
Helmet of salvation.
 *The helmet protects the Brow/Third Eye chakra and the Crown chakra. The Brow/Third Eye chakra is responsible for our intuition, or our ability to listen and heed the still, small, voice. The Crown chakra is our conduit to Heavenly Father. By protecting these two chakras with "Salvation" or through the Atonement of Christ, we can ensure that we are our lines of communication to and from the Godhead does not become infiltrated or corrupted by Satan's counterfeits.
Sword of God’s Spirit and His word through revelation. This does not directly "protect" our individual chakras, but by the Spirit and His word through revelation, we are better able to support each other. An enemy that is charging at my neighbor on the battlefield can be stopped by the sword I wield as I rely on the Spirit and God's word through revelation.

Watch  Carol Tuttle's  Chakra 7 series mentioned above  HERE