Friday, September 19, 2014

Be Still, and Know That I Am God

Here Elder Ballard  talks about  Being Still

Here are a few quotes that I thought applied here
As an Apostle, I now ask you a question: Do you have any personal quiet time?
I have wondered if those who lived in the past had more opportunity than we do now to see, feel, and experience the presence of the Spirit in their lives.
Seemingly, as our world gets brighter, louder, and busier, we have a greater challenge feeling the Spirit in our lives. If your life is void of quiet time, would you begin tonight to seek for some?

Everyone needs time to meditate and contemplate. Even the Savior of the world, during His mortal ministry, found time to do so: “And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.”2
We all need time to ask ourselves questions or to have a regular personal interview with ourselves. We are often so busy and the world is so loud that it is difficult to hear the heavenly words “be still, and know that I am God.”3
In addition to finding time to contemplate and meditate, we also need to find a place, as mentioned in the Doctrine and Covenants, that will be “a defense, and … a refuge from the storm.”6
We need a special place of refuge where we can wean ourselves from the distractions of our electronic devices by unplugging them so we can connect to the Spirit of God.

 I know that my life has changed greatly by being still. I can hear the Holy Ghost because I am  more in tune and  quiet enough to listen to the small voice.   My spirit  comes to the surface and I view my world more through the eyes of my spirit and  with an eternal lense.  Even the  most busy day feels calm and  quiet because of setting my day up right by starting my day  quiet with prayer, meditation,  and  scripture study.  The being still and meditating has amplified my prayers and my scripture study  it magnifies  their power in my life.  Now I never want to be with out it. 

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